Monday, March 18, 2013

Mafia Ban Bot v2.4 (The 3rd Genaration Ban Bot)

notes: send "help" to know the available commands

show list of masters

show list of room users

+m <userid>
 grant master   ex : +m lvl4fi4

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Admin Asistant Bot - A complet bot

Remote Commands:
    [Kick ID]: K/ID
    [Visitor ID]: V/ID
    [Member an ID]: m/ID
    [none an ID]: n/ID
    [Ban ID]: B/ID

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Nimbuzz finally makes an efficient move against flood!

Starting from 12/03/2013, all chat rooms admins and owners can use the newly released commands to do various things regarding room management.
You can see the available commands by send /help in the room chat.
But here’s an easier explanation of each commands:
/mod: Makes the target user a moderator in the room (Can only kick and mute users). Example: /mod black_008